Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thrifty Eye Candy

I love to browse at thrift stores when I have a few moments; and I've been known to hit a garage sale or two. That being said, I rarely go to garage sales here in Minnesota.

But every time we go to family camp in Iowa, my mother-in-law and I spend Saturday morning driving around Dayton and Pilot Mound and stopping at every garage sale we see. I find the best stuff in those tiny towns. I decided one of my dining room walls needed a little makeover, so I used some of my garage sale and thrift store finds.
Here's the result...for less than 5 bucks.
This cool "watercolor" (it's actually just a print) was 50 cents, frame and all.  I love things that show waterfront, and since our dining room window looks out over the water, it looks perfect in there.
I love this mirror, it has a cool rusty frame and is beveled...all for another 50 cents.
I scored two of these platters at a thrift store here in town; one is a little smaller.  The larger one cost $1.50, the small one was a buck.  I think they're ironstone.
If you count the 3M velcro that I used to put it on the wall, I think it's about $5.  That's my kind of decorating.

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