Monday, September 24, 2012

By the numbers.

Today, I:
*agreed to buy 1/2 of a hog
*went to 1 meeting
*got 2 kids off to school
*did 3 loads of laundry
*ran 4 miles (while listening to 10 songs)
*made 5 phone calls
*didn't do anything with the number 6 that I can recall
*picked kids up from swim team practice at 7
*bought 8 things at the grocery store (the 2nd time I was there...)
*snuggled my 9-year old
*scratched my 10-year old's back
*And made 26 pans of apple crisp to stick in the freezer.


  1. How does one make 26 pans of apple crisp in a day? Particularly in the midst of everything else you mentioned??

  2. You forgot about the trip to Belgrade....:)Whew!!

    Love you, Mom
