Sunday, January 30, 2011

He Cleaned

Well, I told Jake I would blog about his new room if he cleaned it. So he did. (I made the bed - it's a tricky one.)

It was not easy to get a good picture of the entire room - it's large and the door is in a corner, so you'll just have to envision the entire thing in your mind.

Scott built a loft bed for him, so he would have plenty of floor space to sprawl out and create with his legos.
It's also a great place to pound in a few nails and display all the swimming ribbons!
He wanted a "lego" room, but I am done making stencils and doing theme rooms for the kids - it takes forever and in a few years, they'll be over it, so I printed some lego blocks out of vinyl and stuck them on the wall. Viola. Done. We also provided him with plenty of shelf space to display his lego creations. His desk is just eye candy - I don't think he has ever sat at it to do anything. Ever.

We also had to put up a few of his favorite things - - like his reminder of how brave he was when he broke his wrist... (and not so smart - but we kind of blame daddy for that one).

And this is my favorite little area - it shows two of Jake's favorite interests; nature and science. His fish...and his microscope. He's quite a kid.

And I'm sure he will keep it looking like this - all clean and picked up - until he graduates from high school.


  1. Now there's a bribe our parents never used...if you clean your room, I'll blog about it! Funny :) Love the room & the office. Looks completely different from the last time we were at your place.

  2. Looks like Jake has a room he will not be bored with, all of his favorite things!
