Wednesday, May 16, 2012


...sitting on Great Grandma Schoon's radiator, skipping Sunday School and drinking "tea" (mostly milk and sugar) with the grown-ups.

Every once in awhile, a random memory pops into my head and makes my day, like this one did while I was making myself a cup of tea tonight.  I still like drinking tea (no more milk, but just as much sugar).  And I like to think Grandma invented "heated" seats. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks Barbie. I needed to remember that today, too. Aren't we blessed to have a past full of good memories.

  3. I love when you share stuff like this. I wasn't old enough to experience some of those things and love hearing about what the older cousins got to do. Not that you're old...:)

  4. Those memories put a song in my heart! I had one of those "moments" the other day when I saw a little kid playing a you remember sitting out on the picnic table blowing thru that harmonica has hard as we could and Scooby howling right along with us. I thought he was enjoying the music, and much to my dismay later, learned that it was hurting his ears, that is why he was howling!!!
