Monday, October 18, 2010

The Hills (Part 2) and Beyond

I never finished blogging about our vacation to the Hills, so here goes. Scott and Jake did their annual crawdad hunt and feast (ICK!!)

They like to do crazy things, so they also decided to do a little rock jumping at Horse Thief Lake. It was REALLY high and I am not the world's best photographer, but if you look really, really close, you can see Jake on his way down.

We all decided to hike to Hippie Hole one's a little off the beaten path, but worth it once you get there. There's a little waterfall into a deep pool and everyone jumped...except for Mom, who is a big ol' chicken. Bok Bok.

Then it was on to Family Camp at Hidden Acres in Iowa. Mags participated in the sidewalk chalk contest.

Jake and Scott paddles their hearts out in the canoe race...

...ran a 5K (Jake's very 1st!!)

And of course, Jake once again caught a mongo bullfrog for the frog jumping contest. One of these years, he's going to win.

And then it was home again just in time for the first day of school. And while we've had the nicest October EVER, September was not so nice, so it was jackets and pants and gray skies on the first day.
And now another month and a half has flown by and I'm still way behind on my blogging. I will catch up, I promise. On a good note, I have been accomplishing other things. Which I hope someday to have time to blog about.

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